- Evergreen Middle School
- More School Attendance Info
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AttendanceRegular and prompt school attendance is essential for continued student progress and school success. When a student arrives at school after 7:30a.m. he/she is considered tardy and must check in at the attendance office before going to class. At the secondary level, a student’s attendance will be recorded as a period absence if the student arrives 5 minutes or more late to class or leaves 5 minutes or more early. It is expected that students will attend class on every school day, all day. Our attendance office keeps a record of all student absences and tardies. A parent/guardian should call the office at 425-385-5705 before 10:00 a.m. on the day their student is absent from school, unless the absence is pre-arranged. If the parent/guardian is unable to call in the absence, students must bring a note signed by the parent upon returning to school stating dates missed and reason for the absence. An automated calling system will attempt to contact parents by phone and/or e-mail if contact has not been made by the parent prior to 10:00 a.m. on the day of the student’s absence. Unexcused absences must be excused within 48 hours of the absence.TardiesStudents are tardy if they arrive after the published start time or leave before the published end time for a single class period. The missed learning time will have to be made up in detention during lunch time or after school the following school day.We discourage early dismissals because we believe that each school experience is valuable to a student. However, we do recognize the need for doctor and dental appointments or emergencies that may come up. To pre-arrange an early dismissal, students need to come to the Attendance Office before school with a signed note from their parent/guardian indicating the date and time for early dismissal to receive an early dismissal slip. To dismiss a student early, a parent or guardian must check in with the attendance office in the Commons to request their student and to sign the student out of school. Students will be released only to parent/guardians or to emergency contacts listed on the student's contact list.Students are to go directly home when the school bell rings at 2:05 p.m. for dismissal unless they are involved in a supervised school activity. School rules apply while students are on their way to and from school. If you are meeting your child on campus, please meet your student outside on the North side of the building. Please do not stand outside classroom doors at the end of the school day, this is a safety issue.
The safe arrival home of every child is of our highest concern. To ensure students arrive home safely, parents must notify the school with a written note when there is a pre-planned change in how the student will be going home. Such changes include: parent pick-up, going home with a friend and/or going home on a bus with a friend that is not their regular bus route. If a note has not been provided, we will instruct the student to follow their regular transportation arrangement. Please contact us prior to 12:30 p.m. to ensure your message reaches your student prior to leaving campus.