- Monroe Elementary School
- Daily Work
Second graders are expected to do their work from home. Remember, our google classroom will have daily updates, morning videos, news, and lessons! Email me if you need the code (adavis3@everettsd.org)
Daily Work
* iReady Math- 15 minutes (should have 2 lessons passed by Friday)
* iReady Reading- 15 minutes (should have 1 lesson passed by Friday)
* Reading- Read at least 30 minutes a day. This can be with another person or animal friend!
* Typing Club- Spend 15 minutes each day practicing your typing.
*Daily Work- Check the google classroom for your daily assignments
*Specialist- Check out the specialist activities links for ideas!
Monday: PE, Tuesday: Music, Wednesday: Library, Thursday: Art, Friday: Class Meeting (on Google Classroom at 10:00)
Second grader, this is your chance to show how responsible you are! Make me, your family, and yourself proud!