- Woodside Elementary School
- Principal's Message
Our School Overview
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- Welcome Woodside Families!
If you are new to Woodside - WELCOME! If you are returning - WELCOME BACK! We are SO glad you are here!
We have ambitious school improvement goals at Woodside this year. As a staff we are dedicated to decreasing chronically absent students by 10% or more. We are also committed to 10% or more student growth in grade level reading and math. Woodside will achieve these ambitious goals through student attendance buddy systems, delivering robust professional development, maintaining high expectations, and through teamwork.
Woodside SOARs Above
Woodside Toucans are expected to always follow these expectations:
S - Be safe
O - Own your actions
A - Always be a leader
R - Respect yourself and othersVisitors and Volunteers
Volunteers are welcome! Please coordinate with your teacher to determine volunteer opportunities. Please note all Woodside volunteers need to complete our District volunteer background This process can be completed from the “Get Involved” button on Everett School District website.
Student Drop-Off: We encourage the use of the drop-off line in lieu of parking and walking across the lot. We have valet students to assist, please stay in your car as your child exits. Students may arrive on campus at 8:05am when supervision is available. For those who walk or choose to walk their child(ren) to school, please wish them well at the parent drop off sign. Our first bell rings at 8:30am and our final bell is at 8:35am.
Student Pick-Up: Woodside is released at the 2:50pm bell. Please meet students behind the parent signs or utilize our car pickup line. Thank you in advance for bringing your patience and courtesy. *Note that Fridays release 75 minutes early at 1:35pm.*
Excellent Attendance is Important!
We value every student’s contribution to our school community and miss them when they are gone. Regular, daily attendance is one of the most important things a student can do to be successful in all grade levels.
Make School Attendance a Priority
- Discuss the importance of showing up to school every day with children.
- Schedule appointments outside the school day or on non-school days.
- Help children stay healthy by ensuring they get plenty of sleep, eat a balanced diet, wash their hands regularly, and are up to date on immunizations.
- Keep children home only if they are truly sick. Complaints of headaches or stomachaches may be signs of anxiety.
Set Regular Bedtime & Morning Routines
- Help your child maintain daily routines, such as finishing homework and going to bed on time.
- Lay out clothes and pack backpack the night before.
- Develop backup plans for arriving to school if something comes up. Call on a family member, a neighbor, or another parent.
Did You Know?
- All absences (excused and unexcused) have the potential of harming students academically.
- Students who miss 10 percent (18 days) of the school year, or two or more days a month, are defined as being chronically absent.
- By sixth grade, absenteeism is one of three signs that a student may drop out of high school.
- By ninth grade, regular and high attendance is a better predictor of graduation rates than eighth-grade test scores.
- It takes an average of three days for a student to catch up from every one day of being absent.
- Missing three or more days of school per month can set a student back up to two full years of learning.
I am looking forward to working with our wonderful community this year. Together we can ensure our Toucans SOAR as we welcome back students to the 2024-2025 school year!
Danielle DeJong, Principal