Welcome to Ms. Nelson's Class

  • Cecelia Nelson I would like to welcome you to Mrs. Nelson's class for 2018-2019. I am happy to be your child's teacher. This year we will be learning and working together as a class of 2nd and 3rd grade learners. Here are some suggestions to help your child be a ready learner;

    1) Get plenty of sleep, establish a fall bedtime again

    2) Have your child eat a healthy breakfast and get exercise daily

    3) Review last year's skills in reading, writing and math

    4) Reestablish a homework time, 15-30 minutes or so per day

    5) Limit device screen time

    If you would like to contact me, please call during regular hours, leave a message if needed, or email me at cnelson@everettsd.org. 

    Cecelia Nelson