    Accelerated Reader

    Thanks to a grant from the Boeing Credit Union and our PTA, we were able to purchase the newest version of Accelerated Reader. This is a web based program that allows students to read books at their reading level and take a comprehension test and vocabulary test on the book. The teachers can then use this data as one way to assess our student's reading, getting immediate feedback on the comprehension skills and vocabulary growth.

    The site has over 125,000 tests available, so students can find tests for books that are not only in their classrooms, but in the library, at home, at the public library, and in stores. To find out if a book has an AR test, parents and students can use the AR Bookfinder on our school website to look at home as well as at school. Students are limited to taking tests only at school between the hours of 8:30-2:45. Taking tests at home is not allowed. Please respect this policy, as part of our contract with AR Enterprise.

    Another feature of the new AR Enterprise is Home Connect. By logging on from their home computer, students and parents can see progress toward reading goals, do book searches using AR Bookfinder, review results of AR quizzes, and view the number of books read, words read, and quizzes passed. To log on, go to AR Home Connect on the school webpage, and put in the student's user name and password, which the student should know.

    If you have questions regarding AR Enterprise, please contact Mrs. Grinage, our literacy coordinator.