- Cedar Wood Elementary School
- Student Resources
Student Resources
Renaissance / AR Home Connect
This is where parents and children can see how they're doing in AR:Science Games
- MagLev: Traffic Intersection Game
Science Conference
- Science Conference Packet - TBA
Other sites to check out for ideas are listed below, but remember, you’re looking to make a testable question. This means you have to be able to change one variable three different ways: from lowest to highest (e.g. “Which brand of [product]” doesn’t work, but “How does the amount of [variable]” does).
- http://www.education.com/science-fair/ Select “Elementary School” on the left hand side.
- http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/project_ideas.shtml
- http://www.sciencebob.com/experiments/index.php
Math Websites
- IXL.com
- XtraMath.org
- Pearson SuccessNet
Math Facts Games
Math Concepts
Factors and Multiples:- Factor Game (Two player, online version)
- Factors Millionaire
- Factor Feeder
- Not a Factor
- Melvin's Make a Match
- Fraction Frenzy!
- Matching Equivalent Fractions
- Matching Fractions
Middle School Preparation
Middle School Planning Guide 2015-2016 6th Grade ClassTyping Practice / Homework
TypingWeb Instructions:
1. Go to http://www.typingweb.com/
2. Click “Student Login” on the top right. Your username is the same as your Pearson Envision (Math) username: Initials+ID, example MD123456. Password is your ID only, example: 123456.
3. Under Take a Beginner Course, click Begin.
4. Practice with your fingers on home row (this is the point – to make you a better typist).
5. Each five minutes doing typing lessons (not games) counts as one handwriting assignment.
Note: You must complete the lesson for the time to count. Hitting “Start over” erases your time.
6. Feel free to play the games afterward…they’re fun and they help you improve your speed!Social Studies
Online website for tests:- http://www.estudiesweekly.com
- Login is your AR login/password unless told otherwise by your teacher.
States and Capitals (Geography Genius)
Here are some fun web resources to practice your states and capitals to prepare for the geography genius pentathlon test:- Wakko’s 50 States and Capitals
- States Quiz (Try to surpass Mr. Dersom’s 100% in 2:02.3)
- Capitals Quiz (Mr. Dersom: 100% in 2:49.6)
- Learn the States and Capitals by Sheppard Software
- Learn the Seven Continents from Soft Schools
- BONUS: The Seven Continents and Five Major Oceans Quiz (Mr. Dersom: 100% in 00:16.5)