Welcome to Emerson’s Family Support Website!

  • My name is Betty Willard and I am here to support your family! My goal at Emerson is to help all students be successful in school and help your family access resources and support to create a safe and healthy home for your family. I work with the rest of the Emerson team to help each Falcon to fly high!

    Some of the things I can help your family with:

    • Filling out paperwork to enroll your student in school
    • Explaining handouts and materials that get sent home
    • Signing students up for Operation School Bell (free program that provides one bag of clothing per year to students who qualify for free/reduced lunch)
    • Provide students with shoes and coats (when available)
    • Helping with family needs through our food pantry or holiday assistance
    • Communicating with the Emerson Team
    • Accessing community resources to get help with medical care, health insurance, housing, food, clothing, employment, childcare, education and more
    • Signing up to Volunteer at school

    Please feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions or concerns, or if you would like to get more involved at Emerson. I am in Room 163 every day and can also be reached by phone or email.

    Betty (Gloria) Willard