- Emerson Elementary School
- Clothing Resources
Clothing Resources
Operation School Bell is a program that assists Emerson students by providing one set of new school clothes per school year. Students go to Operation School Bell on a bus from school with a district volunteer, where they can pick out clothing items. This is a free program open to any Emerson student who needs clothing and who qualifies for Free/Reduced Lunch.
Due to COVID Operation School Bell is on a case by case basis. Appointments are scheduled based on student need, the availability of volunteers, and Operation School Bell's schedule. Operation School Bell serves all of Everett, as well as some of the surrounding community, so it may take several weeks to get an appointment.
Clothes for Kids is another clothing resource and free program that provides gently used clothing for families. You can get the Clothes for Kids form from the front office.
Students who qualify for free/reduced lunch are eligible and can use one of the above resources once per school year.
Please contact Betty Willard for more information at gwillard@everettsd.org or 425-385-6295.