- Monroe Elementary School
- Careers
For Students working on your Career Slide Show at home, below are some useful websites that we used in class.
https://www.bls.gov/k12/ BLS has access to thousands of careers with videos and links to other places to learn more about your career of choice.
https://roadtripnation.com/ This is where we started our journey with folks talking about varied careers including very non-traditional careers.
https://www.everettsd.org/cms/lib/WA01920133/Centricity/Domain/3796/2019-2020%20Course%20Catalog.pdf This is the course catalog from Cascade High School that you will use to find out about possible elective classes in high school that may help with your future career.
High School & Beyond College Fair on Nov. 4
High School & Beyond 2021 is Nov. 4, 6-10pm! Students & families will have remote opportunities to connect with colleges & universities from all over the country. Click headline to register.