
  • Below is a video link for K-2 about the Corona virus. Be sure to watch the video with your little person so that you can clarify any questions they still might have. I have found that kids need help understanding that the models used to represent the virus are just that, a model, and that the real virus is microscopic.

    For kids a bit older or that just want to hear from the experts here is a video of a kid talking to s couple doctors and getting some straight kid friendly information. Again you probably will want to watch with your child to add any clarity that still may be needed.


     Just for fun and perhaps to get moving - even if it is rainy outside visit   many kids have used go noodle in their classroom for "brain breaks" and they love it. Explore some of the fun fast moving activities as well as the yoga to help slow down and center you child. All are presented in kid friendly fun ways. Enjoy! 

    This sight also helps kids learn to understand and deal with their emotions. Pick and choose between these videos as to what would best serve your child's current needs.




    Access to Second Step our Social-Emotional Learning Program.

    The Committee for Children has opened up access to their Second Step Curriculum for our families to use while school is not in session. To access the programs, log in to and create an account. Once you have created an account, you can use the access code below to gain access to the pictures, videos, and home link activities for you and your child(ren). You can also look around the site for many other resources that you may find interesting . Go explore!


    Kindergarten         SSPK FAMI LY70

    First Grade           SSP1 FAMI LY71

    Second Grade:        SSP2 FAMI LY72

    Third Grade          SSP3 FAMI LY73

    Fourth Grade        SSP4 FAMI LY74

    Fifth Grade:            SSP5 FAMI LY75


    The Greater Good Science Center run through UC Berkeley is an awesome resource for helping us all see the good in this world. Many of the articles, activities, and research findings focus on what is right in a world that seems to report so often on what is wrong. There are many ideas here for kids and adults alike to keep us smiling. Look around and enjoy!