Physics in the Universe

  • All of my degrees revolve around teaching physics, and I've taught physics for 10 years. So believe me when I say I'm passionate about Physics in the Universe. This is one of my favorite classes to teach because of the content and the plethora of hands-on activities. Physics has a reputation for being difficult, but let me ease your fears – most of my students really enjoy this class. We rarely have homework, and the math component rarely goes beyond Algebra I. With that said, this is REAL physics. We'll solve complex word problems using equations with up to 5 variables. While that may sound intimidating, students tend to succeed because we learn through hands-on activities and labs. For a taste of what's to come, check out the videos below:

  • There's a reason physics majors score the highest grades on the LSAT, GMAT, and MCAT. Studying physics teaches critical thinking – practicing physics problems literally makes you smarter. And, even better, learning physics is FUN(ish)! Most science classes can only host labs once or twice a week, whereas physics can be taught almost entirely with hands-on activities. 

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