Checking Grades Online

  • You can check grades and attendance online at any time. You can also sign up for text message notifications so that you know the moment a failing grade is entered. 

    Now's a good time to explain my grading philosophy, because it's different than most teachers. I believe that grades should reflect understanding, not doing. Therefore, I do not grade individual assignments. Labs and worksheets are meant to prepare students for assessments and projects. I use those assessments and projects to determine if students have mastered the content (that's an A), if they're proficient (that's a B), if they're developing (C), or if they're just beginning (D). So, if your child is missing an assignment, that's ok. They're just meant to prepare students for the assessments/projects. 

    For physics, students have multiple attempts for each standard. For each, there's a first test, a second test, and an optional retest. I'll enter the highest of those grades to into the gradebook. Historically, students and parents like this system because it offers multiple chances to succeed, and it eliminates mountains of missing assignments.  

    For engineering, students can redo projects/portfolio entries as many times as they like until they earn their desired grade. If they're hopelessly behind, there are make-up assignments available to bail them out. Email me if you have questions about that. 

    I want to make something abundantly clear: I am on your side when it comes to grades. I want every student to have the highest grade possible. I allow students to make up missing or failing grades for full credit. If a student receives a B on a test, they can redo it to earn an A. If a student has a missing assignment, they can still turn in that assignment at any time. If you have any concerns regarding grades, feel free to email me at

    The gradebook can be found here: Gradebook

    Here's some instructional guides, though I'm not sure if they've been updated by the district:

    Here are the instructions for how to use the gradebook.

    Here are the instructions for signing up for text-message notifications, amongst other things.

    Here are the instructions for receiving email updates for student grades and attendance.