- Jefferson Elementary School
- Welcome
Hello Amazing Jefferson Students!
I am SO happy to be back in class at school! This year we will be visiting the 7 continents of our beautiful Earth. We will look at art and artists from each region. We are preparing for a BIG event at school in the Spring. Many of your masterpieces will be made using black-light-reactive materials so they can be part of our GLOW SHOW!
Students have access to online art drawing and painting programs. This may come in handy if you are absent for any length of time or just want MORE art!
Students have access to:
You can also use Google Draw, if you want to create a digital masterpiece. From your Google Drive, Click the NEW button, click MORE, and then Google Drawings. Be sure to give your artwork a title and share it with me if you create something you're proud of.
Mrs. Aguilera