- Lowell Elementary School
- Self-Awareness
Yorlang, Brianne
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Self Awareness
The ability to accurately recognize one’s own emotions, thoughts, and values and how they influence behavior. The ability to accurately assess one’s strengths and limitations, with a wellgrounded sense of confidence, optimism, and a “growth mindset.” Inlcudes: -Identifying emotions -Accurate self-perception -Recognizing strengths -Self-confidence -Self-efficacy
Sense of Self (Accurate Self-Perception, Recognizing Strengths, Self Confidence)
I Like Myself by Karen Beaumont
Giraffes Can’t Dance by Giles Andreae
We Thinkers: Thinking Thoughts and Feeling Feelings
All I am by Eileen Roe
I Play by Cheri J. Meiners
-Talk about how your child got his/her name and what it means to the parents and what it means to him/her.
-Make an art project with the child’s name. Paint, chalk, tape the name and then paint over it and when the paint dries, pull off the tape
-Draw a self portrait and then cut it into a jigsaw and write qualities or likes and dislikes on the back of each puzzle piece
-Make a self-esteem pizza: use construction paper. Cut out a circle as the crust and sauce and write name. Cut out small pieces and write the following and paste them to the pizza: pieces of cheese—favorites/likes, pepperoni circles—strengths, mushrooms—things I am learning/working on, onions—people who support me, (change the toppings according to how your child likes to eat pizza
-Use this printable page to write the things that make you special in the hearts of the tree
Identifying Emotions
When Sophie Gets Angry - Really Really Angry by Molly Bang
When Sophie's Feelings Are Hurt, Really Really Hurt by Molly Bang
How Do Dinosaurs Say “I’m Mad?” by Jane Yolen
The Color Monster, A Story About Emotions by Anna LlenasAngry Social Story
I Feel by Cheri J. Meiners
If you’re happy and your know it (change each verse to be a different emotion)
Play the Feeling Words Game: Watch a video and decide which emotion that the person is describing
- Review the Zones of Regulation and do regular check-ins
- Take photos of yourself making faces showing different emotions
- Color a picture of what each emotion looks and feels like to you
- Look through books at home without reading the story and just look at the faces and body language of the characters and see if you can tell what emotion the characters are feeling
- Play charades and have the child guess which emotion you are displaying. Try doing more subtle body language and/or nuanced emotions such as disappointed, frustrated, nervous, overwhelmed, confident, hopeful, bored, annoyed, jealous, disgusted, embarrassed, etc. (use feelings wheel)
Self Efficacy (Growth Mindset)
Whistle for Willie by Ezra Jack Keats
When Sophie Thinks She Can’t by Molly Bang
Sesame Street Bruno Mars Don’t give Up
-Accomplishment Board or Jar: add descriptions of difficult things that you and your child has accomplished to a jar or a poster board to see how you are growing and learning daily
-Share your accomplishments and when you learned from mistakes
-Look through old photos when your child was a baby and talk about how he/she has grown, what new thing he/she can do now vs. then and when they struggled in that learning
-Look through old photos when you yourself was younger, what new thing you can do now vs. then and when you struggled in that learning
-Set goals as a family and as individuals. Make both short-term and long-term goals.
-Draw posters to remind you of your goals and post them in a place you will see it often
-Read and choose one or two affirmations (also here). Make a piece of artwork that represents that affirmation and keep it in a prominent place in the house and repeat the affirmation every day as a routine