Report Bullying and Harassment

Second Step Anti-Bullying Lessons

  • At Evergreen Middle School, we recognize that students need to learn how to recognize bullying, what to do when a bullying situation arises, and how to report it. Through Second Step lessons, students learn all of these things. See below for a few examples of Second Step lessons around this topic. 



Restorative Conferences

  • At Evegreen Middle School, when conflict arises students will have the opportunity to participate in a restorative conference. The purpose of the restorative conference is to repair harm that has been done between a victim and an offender or when both people are victims and offenders. If students agree to the conference then students will be led throigh a series of questions that work toward a solution and repairing harm that has been done. 

    Restroative Questions: 

    • What happened?
    • What were you thinking about at the time?
    • What have you thought about since the incident?
    • Who do you think has been affected by your actions?
    • How have they been affected?
    • What has been the hardest thing about this for you? 
    • What do you think needs to be done to make things right?