- Evergreen Middle School
- Community Resources
Income Eligible Support
Do you qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch?
There is extra assistance available!
See your counselor to learn more about:
- Fee waivers for college applications.
- Fee waivers for SAT & ACT tests.
- Scholarship assistance for the Senior Party.
- Clothing & Shoe assistance.
- Printing assistance.
What They Do
They provide support to students in need through partnerships with those closest to the student: the teachers, counselors, coaches, and staff at the student's school. Once the InvestED Fund Coordinator learns of a student's need, they can use program funds to help keep the student in school, to get the student more involved in school activities, or simply remove a roadblock to their success.
InvestEd grants funds to schools in our state annually that can be used to help students with many different personal and school related costs. Additional funds donated by individuals or other organizations to the account can qualify for additional matching funds from InvestEd.
Please consider making a donation to help more than a limited number of students.
To learn more and find out how you can help raise funds for this wonderful foundation click on: