• moon
    Thanks to the Everett Public Schools Foundation
    for funding our new science kits. 
    the solar system

    K-1 Focus
    The Sun and the Moon appear to have patterns of movement that can be observed and recorded.

    Big Ideas:

    Sun is a star in the center of our solar system.
    The planets, including Earth, revolve around the sun.
    The Earth and Moon move in a pattern, causing the phases of the moon.


    2-3 Focus
    The Sun and Moon appear to have patterns of movement that can be inferred by observing and recording shadows cast by the Sun.

    Big Ideas:

    The Earth is tilted on an axis.
    The Earth rotates and revolves.
    Seasons are caused by the tilt of the Earth.
    The length and direction of a shadow can show the position of the sun.
    The position of the sun can be used to tell the time of day.


    4-5 Focus
    Earth is spherical in shape. It spins on its axis and orbits the Sun.

    Big Ideas:

    The Earth is a sphere
    Gravity pulls all things on Earth towards its center.
    The Earth revolves around the Sun which causes day and night.
    Earth's yearly orbit (revolution) around the Sun causes us to see different constellations at different time of year.
    The Sun is the largest star in our Solar System.
    The Sun is the closest star to Earth making it look bigger and brighter than other stars.