• Greetings, Toucan Parents!

    Thank you for accessing the Woodside School Counselor website to look for information.  I try to keep the information updated and relevant for our families.  If there is information that you would like to see included, or if you know of any great online resources for families, please share them with me! 



    TAXES: AARP is offering free tax help and you do not have to be a member of AARP. Here is the link to find the free help closest to you! https://www.aarp.org/money/taxes/aarp_taxaide/locations/ 

    SUMMER CAMP: The Snohomish Boys and Girls Club and the Mill Creek YMCA are the best Budget friendly full time summer camps. They both offer reduced tuition for low income and accept DSHS as payments. Both camps open registration in March.  

    FREE MEALS: This is the most up to date list of local organizations that offer free meals.  



    AT WOODSIDE: I have access to many winter coats size 3t to Adult Large. Please let me or a teacher know if you have a family member in need of a coat.  





    Community Resources

    Harassment Reporting

    Books & Videos

    Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

    Section 504