
    Learning Calendar 4th grade

    Please use the calendar below as a guide for each day of learning at home. 

    Daily Schedule:

    • Daily Focus Activity--(30-60 minutes)
      • Click on the links for the standards based activity and practice each day.
      • These assignments are also listed in your Google Classroom "Classwork" section.
    • Menu item--(15+ minutes)
      • Choose one or both!
      • There is usually one tech based, and one non-tech based activity per day.
    • iReady--(15+ minutes)
      • Reading--pass 1 or more lessons
      • Math--pass 1 or more lessons
    • Daily Reading (30 minutes)
      • A book, magazine, comics, online articles, etc.



    Morning Meeting Monday

    Radical Reading!

    Tinker Tuesday (Make a Drawing, Model or Diagram)


    Wordy Wednesday



    Think-it- Through Thursday


    Free Choice Friday!

    Art and extension projects

    Week 1

    March 16

    Getting ready for online learning


    Google Survey







    Week 2






















    *Daily Focus Activity

    *Main Idea and Details

    “Nothing Can Stop Her”


    Menu item--choose one!

    1.) Read a book and write a review. Did you like the book why or why not?

    2.) Turn off the lights, grab a flashlight, and read a book. 













    *Daily Focus Activity

    *Health and Wellness

    Mystery Science

    How Do Germs Get Inside Your Body


    Menu item--choose one!

    1.) Use a map (or Google Earth) to plan a trip to your favorite place in Washington, or a place you’ve never been in Washington. Where would you go? What would you see?

    2.) Make a model, drawing, or diagram of your favorite place in Washington. Include labels!









    *Daily Focus Activity

    *Opinion Writing

    Generating an Opinion Topic

    Generating an Opinion Topic Part 2

    Generating an Opinion Topic Part 3


    Menu item--choose one!

    1.) Write a letter to a family member or friend who doesn’t live near you. Put a stamp on it and mail it! Or email with parent permission.

    2.) Write in a daily journal either on paper or on Google Classroom.








    *Daily Focus Activity

    *Subtraction with Regrouping

    Subtraction with Regrouping StudyJams

    Target 200 Game

    If you don’t have dice or cards, make your own digit cards! Write the digits 1-9 on small pieces of paper.

    Subtraction Word Problems

    Subtraction with Regrouping


    Menu item--choose one!

    1.) Draw or take pictures of decimals or fractions and how they are being used around you at home or in your neighborhood.

    2. Play a math game from the links provided in the Student Engagement Materials (link on district and teacher websites)



    *Daily Focus Activity

    *States of Matter Art

    Draw the Water Cycle (Instructions in Google Classroom)


    Menu item--choose one!

    1.) Create a new cover for a book that you have read.

    2.) Your choice! Respond to your learning through film, dance, art, song, poetry, etc.











    Week 3
























    *Daily Focus Activity

    *Compare and Contrast

    “Hottest Coldest Places”


    Menu item--choose one!

    1.) Listen to an audio book either on StorylineOnline, Audible, or getepic.com

    2.) Help a family member make a meal. Be sure to carefully read all the directions.












    *Daily Focus Activity

    *Health and Wellness

    Mystery Science--How Does Hand Sanitizer Work?


    Menu item--choose one!

    1.) Do some research on the weather in your area for the next week. Record yourself giving a detailed weather report.

    2.) Draw a weather map showing the forecast for the week. 










    April 1

    *Daily Focus Activity

    *Opinion Writing

    Write a Strong Opinion

    Write a Strong Opinion Part 2

    Write a Strong Opinion Part 3


    Menu item--choose one!

    1.) Write a short story or comic about two animals that are best friends. Draw pictures and make it into a book. 

    2.) Write in a daily journal either on paper or on Google Classroom.








    *Daily Focus Activity

    *Multiplication and Division

    Multiplication StudyJams

    Division StudyJams


    Multiplication and Division Game: The Greatest Product

    2x2 Digit Multiplication Practice 

    3 digit Division Practice


    Menu item--choose one!

    1.) Use a grocery store ad or flyer to plan what you would buy if you had $50 to spend at the store to make a meal for your family. 

    2. Play a math game from the links provided in the Student Engagement Materials (link on district and teacher websites)


    *Daily Focus Activity

    *States of Matter Art

    Evaporation Art with Puddles  


    Menu item--Choose one!

    1.) Research origami. Think about the different angles that are used in origami. Cut a piece of paper into a square and try a design out!

    2.) Your choice! Respond to your learning through film, dance, art, song, poetry, etc.









    Week 4 


    Spring Break


    Spring Break


    Spring Break


    Spring Break


    Spring Break

    Week 5


















    *Daily Focus Activity

    *Chronology (Order of Events)

    “Washington’s Secrets Revealed”


    Menu item--choose one!

    1.) Make a video of yourself reading a book, or read for an audience (pets and siblings count!). Share your video with a family member or teacher.

    2.) Play a card or board game. Read the directions out loud.









    *Daily Focus Activity


    Mystery Science--Rube Goldberg Machine


    Menu item--choose one!

    1.) Draw or make a model the water cycle. Include labels!

    2.) Make a TikTok style video of a dance to show the Water Cycle.











    *Daily Focus Activity

    *Opinion Writing

    Reasons to Support your Opinion

    Reasons to Support your Opinion Part 2


    Menu item--choose one!

    1. Write a short story or comic about a water droplet going through the water cycle.

    2.) Write in a daily journal either on paper or on Google Classroom.









    *Daily Focus Activity


    Compare Fractions and Mixed Numbers Study Jams

    Ordering Fractions Game

    Equivalent Fractions Game

    Fractions on a Number line Game

    Practice Fraction Word Problems


    Menu item--choose one!

    1.) Using measuring cups, measure water and find equivalent fractions.

    2. Play a math game from the links provided in the Student Engagement Materials (link on district and teacher websites)



    *Daily Focus Activity

    *States of Matter Art

    Paint with Ice 


    Menu item--choose one!

    1.) Look up different artists and attempt to recreate one of their drawings.

    2.) Your choice! Respond to your learning through film, dance, art, song, poetry, etc.









    Week 6





















    *Daily Focus Activity

    *Infer/Character Traits

    “Clean Start”


    Menu item--choose one!

    1.) Make a fort and enjoy reading a good book inside of your fort.

    2.) Read to a family member in person, over the phone, or video. Work on fluency and expression.













    *Daily Focus Activity

    *Earth Science

    Mystery Science Could a Mountain Turn Into A Volcano

    Study Jams--Solids Liquids and Gasses


    Menu item--choose one!

    1.) Make or draw a model or diagram showing how the molecules act in solids, liquids, and gasses.

    2. Act out, make a skit, or video showing how the molecules in solids, liquids, and gasses behave.










    *Daily Focus Activity

    *Opinion Writing

    Drafting your Opinion Essay


    Menu item--choose one!

    1.) Write a poem (remember it doesn’t have to rhyme!) about the water, the water cycle, or anything you like.

    2.) Write in a daily journal either on paper or on Google Classroom.












    *Daily Focus Activity


    Decimal Place Value StudyJams

    Khan Academy Comparing Decimals Visually

    Ordering Decimals Practice

    Finding Decimal Values Visually Practice

    Converting Decimals to Fractions Practice

    Converting Fractions to Decimals Practice


    Menu item--choose one!

    1.) Do 20 jumping jacks, pushups, and crunches. Time each activity using a stopwatch or phone. Record the times in order from least to greatest.

    2. Play a math game from the links provided in the Student Engagement Materials (link on district and teacher websites)


    *Daily Focus Activity

    *Earth Day Art

    Earth Day Water Drop Collage 


    Menu item--choose one!

    1.) Make a dot-to-dot picture for someone else to solve! Use numbers 1-100...or more!

    2.) Your choice! Respond to your learning through film, dance, art, song, poetry, etc.












    27 Projected Back to school week!




    May 1


     May Do: (Up to your family):

    • Typing Club (link on student tools)
    • Creative time
    • Research
    • Passion Project
    • Videos for classmates
    • Book Report
    • Movie review
    • Make something
    • Cook something
    • Build something
    • Crafts
    • Hobbies
    • Virtual Museum tour
    • Music practice
    • Exercise
    • Use clay, Play-do or slime
    • Handwriting & cursive practice
    • Nap