- Penny Creek Elementary School
- Learning Calendar
Nelson, Tiffany
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Learning Calendar 4th grade
Please use the calendar below as a guide for each day of learning at home.
Daily Schedule:
- Daily Focus Activity--(30-60 minutes)
- Click on the links for the standards based activity and practice each day.
- These assignments are also listed in your Google Classroom "Classwork" section.
- Menu item--(15+ minutes)
- Choose one or both!
- There is usually one tech based, and one non-tech based activity per day.
- iReady--(15+ minutes)
- Reading--pass 1 or more lessons
- Math--pass 1 or more lessons
- Daily Reading (30 minutes)
- A book, magazine, comics, online articles, etc.
Morning Meeting Monday
Radical Reading!
Tinker Tuesday (Make a Drawing, Model or Diagram)
Wordy Wednesday
Think-it- Through Thursday
Free Choice Friday!
Art and extension projects
Week 1
March 16
Getting ready for online learning
Google Survey
Week 2
*Daily Focus Activity
*Main Idea and Details
Menu item--choose one!
1.) Read a book and write a review. Did you like the book why or why not?
2.) Turn off the lights, grab a flashlight, and read a book.
*Daily Focus Activity
*Health and Wellness
How Do Germs Get Inside Your Body
Menu item--choose one!
1.) Use a map (or Google Earth) to plan a trip to your favorite place in Washington, or a place you’ve never been in Washington. Where would you go? What would you see?
2.) Make a model, drawing, or diagram of your favorite place in Washington. Include labels!
*Daily Focus Activity
*Opinion Writing
Generating an Opinion Topic Part 2
Generating an Opinion Topic Part 3
Menu item--choose one!
1.) Write a letter to a family member or friend who doesn’t live near you. Put a stamp on it and mail it! Or email with parent permission.
2.) Write in a daily journal either on paper or on Google Classroom.
*Daily Focus Activity
*Subtraction with Regrouping
Subtraction with Regrouping StudyJams
If you don’t have dice or cards, make your own digit cards! Write the digits 1-9 on small pieces of paper.
Menu item--choose one!
1.) Draw or take pictures of decimals or fractions and how they are being used around you at home or in your neighborhood.
2. Play a math game from the links provided in the Student Engagement Materials (link on district and teacher websites)
*Daily Focus Activity
*States of Matter Art
Draw the Water Cycle (Instructions in Google Classroom)
Menu item--choose one!
1.) Create a new cover for a book that you have read.
2.) Your choice! Respond to your learning through film, dance, art, song, poetry, etc.
Week 3
*Daily Focus Activity
*Compare and Contrast
Menu item--choose one!
1.) Listen to an audio book either on StorylineOnline, Audible, or getepic.com
2.) Help a family member make a meal. Be sure to carefully read all the directions.
*Daily Focus Activity
*Health and Wellness
Mystery Science--How Does Hand Sanitizer Work?
Menu item--choose one!
1.) Do some research on the weather in your area for the next week. Record yourself giving a detailed weather report.
2.) Draw a weather map showing the forecast for the week.
April 1
*Daily Focus Activity
*Opinion Writing
Menu item--choose one!
1.) Write a short story or comic about two animals that are best friends. Draw pictures and make it into a book.
2.) Write in a daily journal either on paper or on Google Classroom.
*Daily Focus Activity
*Multiplication and Division
Multiplication and Division Game: The Greatest Product
2x2 Digit Multiplication Practice
Menu item--choose one!
1.) Use a grocery store ad or flyer to plan what you would buy if you had $50 to spend at the store to make a meal for your family.
2. Play a math game from the links provided in the Student Engagement Materials (link on district and teacher websites)
*Daily Focus Activity
*States of Matter Art
Menu item--Choose one!
1.) Research origami. Think about the different angles that are used in origami. Cut a piece of paper into a square and try a design out!
2.) Your choice! Respond to your learning through film, dance, art, song, poetry, etc.
Week 4
Spring Break
Spring Break
Spring Break
Spring Break
Spring Break
Week 5
*Daily Focus Activity
*Chronology (Order of Events)
“Washington’s Secrets Revealed”
Menu item--choose one!
1.) Make a video of yourself reading a book, or read for an audience (pets and siblings count!). Share your video with a family member or teacher.
2.) Play a card or board game. Read the directions out loud.
*Daily Focus Activity
Mystery Science--Rube Goldberg Machine
Menu item--choose one!
1.) Draw or make a model the water cycle. Include labels!
2.) Make a TikTok style video of a dance to show the Water Cycle.
*Daily Focus Activity
*Opinion Writing
Reasons to Support your Opinion
Reasons to Support your Opinion Part 2
Menu item--choose one!
1. Write a short story or comic about a water droplet going through the water cycle.
2.) Write in a daily journal either on paper or on Google Classroom.
*Daily Focus Activity
Compare Fractions and Mixed Numbers Study Jams
Equivalent Fractions Game
Fractions on a Number line Game
Practice Fraction Word Problems
Menu item--choose one!
1.) Using measuring cups, measure water and find equivalent fractions.
2. Play a math game from the links provided in the Student Engagement Materials (link on district and teacher websites)
*Daily Focus Activity
*States of Matter Art
Menu item--choose one!
1.) Look up different artists and attempt to recreate one of their drawings.
2.) Your choice! Respond to your learning through film, dance, art, song, poetry, etc.
Week 6
*Daily Focus Activity
*Infer/Character Traits
Menu item--choose one!
1.) Make a fort and enjoy reading a good book inside of your fort.
2.) Read to a family member in person, over the phone, or video. Work on fluency and expression.
*Daily Focus Activity
*Earth Science
Mystery Science Could a Mountain Turn Into A Volcano
Study Jams--Solids Liquids and Gasses
Menu item--choose one!
1.) Make or draw a model or diagram showing how the molecules act in solids, liquids, and gasses.
2. Act out, make a skit, or video showing how the molecules in solids, liquids, and gasses behave.
*Daily Focus Activity
*Opinion Writing
Menu item--choose one!
1.) Write a poem (remember it doesn’t have to rhyme!) about the water, the water cycle, or anything you like.
2.) Write in a daily journal either on paper or on Google Classroom.
*Daily Focus Activity
Khan Academy Comparing Decimals Visually
Finding Decimal Values Visually Practice
Converting Decimals to Fractions Practice
Converting Fractions to Decimals Practice
Menu item--choose one!
1.) Do 20 jumping jacks, pushups, and crunches. Time each activity using a stopwatch or phone. Record the times in order from least to greatest.
2. Play a math game from the links provided in the Student Engagement Materials (link on district and teacher websites)
*Daily Focus Activity
*Earth Day Art
Menu item--choose one!
1.) Make a dot-to-dot picture for someone else to solve! Use numbers 1-100...or more!
2.) Your choice! Respond to your learning through film, dance, art, song, poetry, etc.
27 Projected Back to school week!
May 1
May Do: (Up to your family):
- Typing Club (link on student tools)
- Creative time
- Research
- Passion Project
- Videos for classmates
- Book Report
- Movie review
- Make something
- Cook something
- Build something
- Crafts
- Hobbies
- Virtual Museum tour
- Music practice
- Exercise
- Use clay, Play-do or slime
- Handwriting & cursive practice
- Nap