• Sample Schedule

    Mrs. Vance Schedule

    Hello Huddle Families!

    First of all, I just want to say that I am so thankful to be on this wild and weird journey with you. I truly appreciate all of the positive, kind, and great ideas that you have all sent me after the first practice week. I received quite a few messages asking me for a "Sample Schedule". The reason for this suggestion comes from the fact that not only are the kids at home working--but the parents as well. With all members of the family working from home, it is difficult to help your student to "pace" themselves through the online assignments that are posted daily on our Google Classroom. I have seen this end of this issue-in that students are just hitting the "submit/turn" in button and not even put thought or effort into the work. This type of work ethic would not be acceptable in our classroom--and therefore, should not be acceptable at home. With this said, I have placed a link at the top of this message for you to click on. Once you click on the link, you will be directed to a Sample Schedule document. It has a sample schedule that one of our amazing Huddle families came up with. It is a great schedule. You may tweak it, revise it or not even use it--but it is a resource. If you have a schedule that you have created for your kiddos, please send it to me through email, and, with your permission, I will add it to this linked document. The more tools/resources we have available--the better we can become. 

    This document will also contain a picture of a Daily Schedule that I made following the "sample schedule". I did a little bit of revisions, but I basically just inserted the Content areas: Reading, Writing, Math, etc., into a schedule that looks similar to our classroom schedule we have been following this year. 

    **Important Note**

    Read the **notes at the end of the sample schedule. I think it contains some great thoughts and suggestions. 

    Again, thanks so much for partnering with me as we strive to make every day--a productive, low-stress learning environment. 

    These are just tools! You do not need to do this. This work comes from you--the Huddle Families! Let's continue in our partnership and keep the communication open. 

    Please stay healthy and safe!

    Mrs. Vance