



    Statement of Purpose:

    Gateway Middle School is dedicated to promoting the leadership development of students. As part of a multi faceted endeavor and the coordination of volunteers, we strive to improve student lives by exemplary role modeling. We aim to help young people improve their values and skills by maintaining a strong base of community volunteers in our school.

    One of the most important things we can do for children is to allow them to see parents and teachers working together. This helps children realize that there is a bond between home, community and school. Parents and other caregivers who work in the school gain a deeper understanding of their student's educational experiences.

    Application Process:

    Follow the links below to the necessary volunteer paperwork. After your application has been received, we will review your interests and availability and find the best placement for you. Next, you will be invited to the school for an orientation session.

    Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Gateway!


    Volunteer School Contacts:

    Michelle Renee

    Assistant Principal

    Email: mrenee@everettsd.org

    Click here to apply.