Hello Gateway Students and Families,
During this time, please refer to our science Google Classroom Page for learning engagement opportunities. This can be accessed using classroom.google.com
In this school district closure environment, “assignment” and “classwork” are just the terms that Google Classroom software uses to describe where students can go to find the learning engagement materials I’m providing them and that the “due date” is just my estimate of how long it will take the average student to finish something I provide if it they choose to work on it Mon. - Fri.
I acknowledge that Gateway Families are all in different situations and that each should feel free to use the learning engagement materials I’m providing to whatever extent they can and if their situation prohibits them from doing so I understand. The learning engagement materials I provide will not be graded or assessed, but I will provide opportunites for feedback to students.
If you have any questions or concerns, the best way to reach me is via email at
jsowa@everettsd.org as I may not be available by phone. The classroom phone is 425-385-6717 just in case.
Thank you,
Mrs. Sowa