- Gateway Middle School
- Helpful Resources
Werder, Mindy
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Google Classroom Help
Students can access Google Classroom from any school computer by opening a Chrome Browser and logging in with their Student # and Password.
At home, it is a bit different because they need to login to the District Server. Here is how to help your student login at home:
1. Open a Chrome Browser
2. Got to http://classroomgoogle.com (see posted link)
This will take you to a Google sign-in page (if you have a Gmail account, this will look familiar to you, you may need to "add account", make sure you are signed out of any personal Google/Gmail accounts - I always have issues with this)
3. Type in your student's school google e-mail: student#@apps.everettsd.org
4. This will take you to the district server login that your student may have seen at school
Enter your Student# as the username, and your chosen school password (default is your birthday mm-dd)
That's it! You should be able to find our Science Classroom.
All assignments (paper and online only) are posted as assignments in the stream to ensure they show up in the student's calendar. OL (online) assignments should be submitted online, but students have been told that if they have issues with submitting or editing documents they can always print and submit a paper copy. Paper assignments are due when they get to class on their due date, and are expected to be turned in during class, however I have given students the option to electronically submit if that makes it easier. My goal is to give students options so they complete all their work and turn it in on-time.