IEP & Section 504 Resources

  • There are many local resources that provide outstanding assistance to students who qualify for Individual Education Plans (IEP) or Section 504 Accommodation Plans.

    Here are a few of the helpful programs:

    DVR (Division of Vocational Rehabilitation)

    The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation is a program with the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS). DVR's school to work transition services are designed to bridge school and work, helping students with disabilities develop and pursue their career goals. School to work is a team effort. DVR works with students, their family members, teachers and school personnel, local community, employers and others to help plan for life after high school. To find out more about DVR assistance, IEP & Section 504 students should contact DVR during the fall of their senior year. To help with post-high school planning, a DVR Counselor can also attend your senior year IEP meeting (either during your senior year, or during the spring of your junior year).


    The DVR Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor serving JHS students: Aurelie Trier - 425-673-3312,

    To view a DVR Video regarding their services, visit:


    G.O.A.L. (Gaining Ownership of Adult Lives ) An 18-21 Year-Old Transition Program

    Purpose: The GOAL program is designed to be a link between high school and adult life. It is not a high school program, but it does provide a sequence of school based experiences and training to assist a trainee with special needs to become more self-reliant and independent. GOAL is not a place for students who need a full-time academic program.

    2 Generalized Tracks of school based activities (individualized to trainee)

    Moderate to Mild Disability Supervised Work Crew

    Recreational Activities

    Self-Maintenance Skills

    Mild Disability to Severe LD/BD Individualized Work Placement

    Recreational Activities

    Self-Maintenance Skills


    STRIVE (Students Transitioning Responsibly Into Vocational Experiences)

    STRIVE is an Everett Public Schools program developed for 17-21 year olds that focuses on students with significant cognitive and adaptive impairments who continue to need to learn life skills and independent living tasks. This program is located at both Henry M. Jackson High School and Everett High School. For more information, see Mrs. Alonzo, JHS School Psychologist, 425-385-7022, or your JHS IEP Case Manager.


    Occupational Life Skills - Venture

    The Occupational Life Skills - Venture Program is a program offered at Bellevue College. This program is the first degree program in the nation for students with learning, cognitive and intellectual disabilities.

    To find out more about the admissions process, contact them via email: or phone: 425-564-2844


    Autism Spectrum Navigators

    The mission of the Autism Spectrum Navigators at Bellevue College is to provide advocacy and access services for autistic students that lead to successful academic outcomes while providing educational opportunities that increase self-knowledge in the areas of executive function, self-regulation, social interaction, self-advocacy, and career preparation. To learn more about the program or to see when information sessions are held, visit:


    DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology)

    DO-IT, located at the University of Washington, serves to increase the participation of individuals with disabilities in challenging academic programs and careers. It promotes the use of computer and networking technologies to increase independence, productivity, and participation in education and employment.


    Center for Disability Services at Everett Community College 

    What does the Center for Disability Services do?

    The Center for Disability Services (CDS) office at Everett Community College provides qualified students with documented disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in the variety of educational, recreational, and social opportunities available at Everett Community College. CDS provides academic accommodations for students with a documented permanent or temporary physical, mental, or sensory disability; resource and referral information; and advocacy support as necessary and appropriate."Alias


    Services for Students With Disabilities: 
    Helping you succeed at Edmonds Community College

    Help for Success

    Our program helps students with all types of disabilities such as: deaf, mobility, language, learning disability, blind/visual, chronic health, neurological, psychological, or emotional. We also help students work with outside agencies and other programs to ensure they succeed in college.

    Services offered include:

    • Academic advising
    • Campus orientation
    • One-on-one tutoring
    • Interpreters for the deaf
    • Test scribes
    • Readers
    • Priority registration
    • Taped books
    • Large print materials
    • Braille

    Think College -- College Options for People with Intellectual Disabilities

    Doors to colleges are opening all over the country in many different ways for people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities. This website is designed to share what is currently going on, provide resources and strategies, let you know about training events, and give you ways to talk to others. The information is for transition aged students as well as adults attending or planning for college. It provides resources and tools for students, families, and professionals.

Welcome to Section 504