• Students have access to our textbook, Reach by National Geographic. Please go to everettsd.org, click the students tab, click on Canvas, then login to MyNGConnect. There are engaging vocabulary and phonics games associated with each unit. 


    Course Description 

    Third grade students will build their reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language skills and knowledge, as defined by the State Standards, using the district aligned curriculum Reach for Reading.  There are eight, four-week thematic units, that are built around science or social studies topics. To help students make thoughtful connections between texts, themselves, and the world, they explore the thematic “Big Question” through collaborative discussion, writing and performance tasks. Students develop proficiency in citing text evidence and producing analytic writing. Writing includes routines to develop fluency, model the process, collaborate and scaffold, and write independently. Students learn to construct responses to text and integrate sources into multiple modes of writing including narrative, opinion and informative writing projects.  Students develop language and vocabulary skills as they participate in explicit instruction and consistent routines. Differentiated small group instruction, using authentic text, meets the needs of all students. Whole group, small group, and independent practice ensure that students meet the demands of the Common Core. Explicit cursive handwriting and keyboarding instruction provides another strong communication foundation.

    Poppy Bookstudy: What characteristics make a hero? Students analyze characters and build comprehension and understanding of how they change over time. Students make meaning by developing vocabulary and writing a superhero story.

    Unit 1: How do people help each other? Students focus on reading, comprehending, and analyzing a variety of text types. Writing focus: Narrative.

    Unit 2: What happens when nature loses its balance? Students focus on strategies such as compare/contrast and cause/effect to comprehend and analyze stories. Writing focus: Informational.

    Unit 3: What is so amazing about plants? Students focus on making inferences while reading a variety of texts. Writing focus: Opinion.

    Unit 4: What's the best way to get things done? Students focus on describing story elements and themes. Writing focus: Opinion. 

    Unit 5: What causes matter to change? Students learn about nonfiction text structures to comperhend and analyze texts. Writing focus: Informational.

    Unit 6: How can we preserve our traditions? Students use visualization to analyze and comprehend a variety of text types. Writing focus: Informational.

    Unit 7: What forces can change the earth? Students learn to draw conclusions, determine author's purpose, and synthesize information. Writing focus: Narrative.

    Unit 8: What tools can we use to achieve our goals? Students review and use reading strategies to comprehend and analyze a variety of texts. Writing focus: Narrative