My parents want a progress report?
You can also ask a teacher to provide one for a single class or come to the counseling office for a hand carried one that you can take around to all your classes. Most families prefer to do this on Thursday so they are able to contact teachers on Friday, if needed.
My parents want to conference with my teachers?
We conference school-wide in the fall. Check the calendar for the dates. At any other time, we will be happy to arrange a time for a conference. If only one teacher needs to be present, your parents should contact that teacher directly to schedule the day and time. If more than one teacher needs to attend the conference, have your parents call the counseling office at 385-7510 and the counselor will arrange it.
I have a personal problem?
Ask for a pass to talk to your counselor; talk to him or her in the cafeteria during lunch; put a pass in to see them (before or after school or during passing time).
I have trouble in class?
Talk with your teacher.