

Degrees and Certifications:

Sean Proudlock

I have lived in the area all my life and the more I travel, the more I apprciate the Puget Sound region.  I'm a firm believer that learning is a life long journey and that includes sometimes working through our failures and mistakes to create knew knowledge and understanding.  We can't let fear of failure get in the way of learning - this is easy to say and sometimes difficult and teaches the most.  

I started my post high school eduation at Edmonds Community College where I earned a AA in General Studies.  I then earned a BA in Seconday History Education from Western Wasington University, and a Master of Education is school Counseling from WSU. 

I have been at Heatherwood since the fall of 1992.  I began teaching 7th grade English/History for 10+ years, then I was a counselor for another 10+ years and have been back in teaching Social Studies for the last couple of years.  I enjoy teaching in the classroom setting, but sometimes miss the one on one time with students.  

The best part about teaching is when a student I have been helping FINALLY understands or has success.  I see the change in their eyes and feel their sense of accomplishment.  Helping a student that is struggling is NOT a burden.  It's the best part of teaching.  If you need help, just ask because my mind reading skills are very poor.



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