- Eisenhower Middle School
- Welcome
Gomez, Kathleen
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Greetings Students and Families!
I hope you enjoyed the summer and are looking forward to the 2020-2021 school year. Nothing is truer this year for me than the words of Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell in - Ain't No Mountain High Enough - and I am excited to go on this journey with you. Though we're not in the traditional classroom space, I am working hard with my colleagues to keep learning at the forefront and planning for different ways to bring inspiration and energy to distance learning.
This year I will be teaching two courses: 6th grade Resource English Language Arts (which also includes a section of Study Skills) and 8th grade Resource Math. Students and families will be able to access class information, content, zoom links, and resources through the homepage of their Canvas courses. Please take a moment to check out this website's pages - especially Useful Links. Through distance learning, students will learn in live ZOOMs, spend time in focused independent work, and build a sense of belonging as we build relationships with each other.
I value your voice, so please reach out to me at any time. You can contact me by email as a starting point and we can always connect further over the phone or by ZOOM. Thank you for joining me on this adventure!
Take care,
Kathleen Gomez