Orchestra Instrument Information

  • Cello


    It is important that students have access to instruments of decent quality. Without this, a musician is incapable of producing a beautiful sound, regardless of experience or effort. Unfortunately, there are companies out there who will claim to sell you the “best deal,” only to send you home with an instrument in such dire need of repair that the repair costs will exceed the cost of the instrument. Mrs. Camp is available to assist with all decisions regarding instruments to ensure that each student has the opportunity to become the best musician they can be.

    It is vital that students play the correct size of instrument to avoid injury. Since students will grow (sometimes rapidly) over the next few years, renting an instrument from a music store is a good place to start. Most stores provide instruments that students can trade in at any time for a larger size.

    If you have inherited an instrument from a family member or friend, please bring it in for Mrs. Camp to examine as soon as possible to determine if it is need of repair and the correct size for your current height.

    A credible music shop that properly “sets up” their instruments will have a luthier (instrument repair-person) onsite or nearby that you can observe.





    If you already have an instrument (inherited from a family member), please let Mrs. Camp know so she can examine it as soon as possible to determine whether it is in need of repair and correct for your current height. If you have not purchased an instrument yet, please consider the following information:

    - Since students will grow over the next few years, renting an instrument is recommended.

    - We will assign instruments for first-year students on the first or second day of school.

    - It is important that students have access to good quality instruments. Without this, students will be incapable of producing a beautiful tone, regardless of effort. Unfortunately, there are companies out there who will claim to sell you the “best deal,” only to send you home with an instrument in such dire need of repair that the repair costs will exceed the const of the instrument. Mrs. Camp is available to assist with all decisions regarding instruments to ensure that each student has the opportunity to become the best musician they can be. Painted instruments are not of adequate quality for class.

    Local Music Stores Include but are not limited to: Hammond Ashley Violins, Music and Arts, Kennelly Keys

    Especially for string bass players, please contact Mrs. Camp as soon as possible if it will not be financially possible for your family to rent an instrument.


    viola hand



       - If you are a first-year student on your instrument, please leave the instrument in the case with the case closed until Mrs. Camp or your private teacher has shown you how to take it out and put it back safely.

       - Carry your instrument carefully so it doesn’t get bumped or shaken. If you play the violin or viola, you will need to bring your instrument to the orchestra room before school, and pick it up after school EVERY DAY.

       - Never leave your instrument in the car. Find a secure spot to store your instrument, away from direct sunlight and air vents.

       - Remember that damages to your instrument are your family’s financial responsibility. If you are not sure of an instrument care answer, please contact Mrs. Camp. J



       Violins/Violas – A violin/viola, bow, case, rosin, rosin cloth, REAL (not foam) shoulder rest

       Cellos/Basses – A cello/bass, bow, case, rosin, rosin cloth, rockstop

       Beginning Orchestra Students – String Basics Book 1 (specific to your instrument)

       Intermediate Orchestra Students – String Basics Book 2 (specific to your instrument)

       Chamber Orchestra Students  String Basics Book 3 (specific to your instrument)


    florence cello