
    Welcome to Lifetime Fitness!  

    Our program is designed to provide a well-rounded opportunity for fitness, skill development and academic growth through a variety of activities.  We will be using the Five for Life Curriculum in conjunction with physical activities to further your knowledge of fitness concepts and to how to attain higher levels of personal fitness.   It is our goal that you have an educationally rewarding experience in Fitness. As you can imagine, this year will provide you with important information about improving and maintaining your fitness level and helping you to grow as a responsible middle school student. Perhaps the best advice you can take throughout this school year would be to come to class on time, prepared to learn, be respectful of others and participate to the best of your ability. This is a fun and exciting opportunity that you can look forward to everyday. 

    Parent Signature Page for Class Expectations

    Class Expectations (Comprehensive version)

    Absence-Fitness Make Up Form 

     Canvas Page- Student Access

    Focused Fitness  -  login with your standard district login: set goals, access fitness videos and assessments


  • fm stretch

