- Everett High School
- Contact the Librarian
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Librarian Support
Ms. Tucker and I LOVE libraries. We believe libraries are the ultimate connectors. Libraries bring people together in so many ways; through books, technology, ideas, discussions, puzzles, projects and more. One of our very favorite things about working in the library is saying YES to book and supply requests to make students' ideas turn into something else.
Best. Job. Ever.
Stop by the EHS Library today!
Ms. Payne Ms. Tucker
Librarian Library SupportWe can be reached by email, phone or Instagram.
dpayne@everettsd.org and atucker@everettsd.org
(425) 385-4488
Instagram: everetthighschoollibraryRegular library hours: Monday-Thursday, 7:00-2:30. Friday, 7:00-1:00
**After school program: Monday-Thursday, 2:00-3:20 (Run by Ms. Gleason)