- Everett High School
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Welcome to Mrs. Vinther's Website
Megan Vinther has been at Everett High School since 2010. She previously taught at North Middle School in Everett Public Schools and Siuslaw High School in Florence, Oregon. She holds a Master of Music degree in music education from the University of Oregon and received her Bachelor's degree from U of O as well. Megan has been named in "Who's Who in America's Teachers," received an Outstanding Educator award from the Washington State Parent Teacher Association, and has led bands to Superior ratings at various festivals and contests throughout her career. While working in Oregon, her jazz band placed third in a nation-wide contest sponsored by Selmer Music Company and Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, a leading swing band,and her wind ensemble placed among the top 10 bands of their division at state contest every year. Her wind ensemble and jazz band swept the Music in the Parks festival, placing first in both categories in San Francisco in 2019.
The Everett High School Jazz Band was one of twelve finalists from around the country for the Swing Central Jazz Competition in Savannah, Georgia in 2015. EHS bands have consistently earned Excellent and Superior ratings at every festival they have attended.
In her time off, Megan enjoys spending time with her husband and three children, hiking, camping, reading, and traveling with her family.email: Mrs. Vintherphone: 425-385-4400