I teach 10th Grade English (E2) and AP Language & Composition.
I earned both my Bachelor's in English and my Master's in Teaching from the University of Washington. I have enjoyed having your student in my class this year, and I look forward to continuing to support their their learning as we transition to an online model of instruction for the next six weeks.
Instruction is currently focused on a combination of remediation and enrichment. For a more detailed update on what this means for your class, please watch the video that corresponds to your course:
English II or
AP Lang.
If you are a student in my class, the best place to check for daily updates is the "Daily Agenda" section of your class notebook. Also make sure you are signed up for our class
Remind account. I have posted the sign-up directions for Remind.com updates on your course page.
Please note: to access many of the links on this website, you will need to log into EPS Google Apps or Office365. To log into either, enter [your student number]@apps.everettsd.org, hit sign in, and then log in as though you were on a school computer.