Welcome to the information page for Symphonic Choir. Here is some basic information about Symphonic Choir.
This ensemble will focus on traditional western choral music ranging from the Renaissance Era through to 20th Century Era, as well as world music and modern popular music. There will be many opportunities for solo performances within the choral music, for the Solo/Small Ensemble in February, and especially during the "Pops" concert at the end of the school year. In order to ensure that students are using healthy vocal techniques when singing modern popular music, we spend the majority of the year singing choral music that helps hone those skills so that by June the singers are able to sing popular music without causing damage to their vocal cords.
Student Eligibility:
- Biological female singers must be in 10th - 12th grade and must audition either in February of the previous year, or during the first two weeks of school.
- all freshman biological female singers are automatically placed in Concert Choir.
- students wanting to audition who are NOT currently in choir need to email Ms. Wiltse to set up an audition time. Audition packets will be available on the door next to the main choir room door (B201).
- Biological male singers will all be placed into Symphonic Choir.
For information regarding specific grading and student requirements, please read the Symphonic Choir Syllabus.
Performance and other important dates are on the Everett Choir Calendar