• Grading Breakdown for all choirs - UPDATED 2023-2024 School year.


    NEW - students will be graded using the 4 point scale, with decimal points.

    Summative Assessment: 60%

    • Concert/Performance Rehearsals  
    • Music Theory & Sight Singing Tests 
      • Music theory assessments on Music Theory for Choirs
      • Sight singing assessments on 4 Minute Master : assessments will be done via video assignment
      • Interval recognition: written assessments will be given in class.
      • Choir literature singing assessments will be done in class as a section

    Formative Assessment Total 40%

    • Daily Rehearsal Technique 
      • Students will earn up to 4 points per class that they attend, a weekly average will be entered in the gradebook. 
      • missing any part of the rehearsal will result in reduction of Daily Rehearsal Technique grade for that day
        • this includes being tardy: if you are tardy you miss part of the rehearsal which is the same as skipping a section of a formative assessment
        • this will be calculated by how much of the rehearsal you miss
        • there will be opportunities to make up missed rehearsal points.
    • Retreats
      • This grade reflects the work a student does during these events

    ANY assessment can be retaken at any time during that semester.