Welcome to the information page for Concert Choir, the non-audition treble choir at Everett High School.
The focus of this choir is to learn and utilize basic healthy vocal techniques, music theory, and music reading skills using traditional western choral music. We will perform a wide range of music from the Renaissance Era through to 20th Century Era, as well as world music and modern popular music. There will be many opportunities for solo performances within the choral music, for the Solo/Small Ensemble in February, and especially during the "Pops" concert at the end of the school year. In order to ensure that students are using healthy vocal techniques when singing modern popular music, we spend the majority of the year singing choral music that helps hone those skills so that by June the singers are able to sing popular music without causing damage to their vocal cords. (I will be sending home an article about the popular music industry and how popular music can irreparably damage a young singers voice.)
Students in Concert Choir are encouraged to participate in the MPMEA Solo/Small Ensemble Contest in February as either a soloist, or in a student directed small ensemble. Participation in this contest allows students to focus on their voice as an individual as well as provides more performance opportunities. Participating students may also have the opportunity to qualify for the Washington State Solo/Ensemble Contest at Central Washington University in the spring. Though this is a contest, my goal for students is that they "compete" against themselves, and not to focus on competing against others. In March, both choirs will be participating in the non-competitive MPMEA Large Choral Ensemble Festival where they will perform traditional choral music (not popular music) in front of their peers and a panel of master choral teachers who will then work with the choirs after the performance and provide feedback and give some suggestions for further improvement. There will also be at least three school concerts during the year: December, March/April, and a "Pops" concert in June.
Student Eligibility: This choir is open to all biological female voices from grades 9 through 12. All freshman biological female voices will be registered for this choir. Those students will also have the oportunity to audition for Avenue C Jazz Choir if they want to participate in a more challenging ensemble.
In class part tests
Written music theory tests
Sight singing tests
Daily Rehearsal Technique