Attendance Reporting

  • Attendance Email:

    Please provide a written note or email within 30 days of your student’s first day back to school. Please do not call the school to report an absence.

    Proporcione una nota escrita o un correo electrónico dentro de los 30 días posteriores al primer día de regreso a la escuela de su estudiante.


    Pozhaluysta, predostav'te pis'mennuyu zapisku ili elektronnoye pis'mo v techeniye 30 dney posle pervogo dnya vozvrashcheniya vashego uchenika v shkolu.


    Budʹ laska, nadayte pysʹmovu prymitku abo elektronnyy lyst protyahom 30 dniv pislya pershoho dnya povernennya vashoho uchnya do shkoly.

    We look forward to seeing your child at school each and every day. Regular school attendance is important, and we will work with you to ensure your child is present and benefiting from a world-class education. 

    If you need assistance or if you would like recommendations on how to help ensure your child’s regular school attendance, please contact your child’s teacher, or our school counselor.

    PRE-ARRANGED ABSENCE FORM This form is not mandatory. It is for teacher/student benefit.  In order for an absence to be excused the attendance office must receive an email with dates and reason for absence.