- Henry M. Jackson High School
- Welcome
Friedenson, Megan
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Welcome to Ms. Friedenson's Class
Bienvenidos! Welcome!Canvas has all of our up-to-date class information. This teacher website will not be updated, but will continue to provide "Funlinks" and "Helpful Resources" links for past students.Parents and Students can access Canvas.If you have any difficulty logging into Canvas, try this link.If you have any questions, please email me: mfriedenson@everettsd.org.In our Spanish class, you will develop your Spanish conversational skills, and also read, write, listen to videos and music, expand your vocabulary, and explore the lives of people in many cultures! I hope you also make new friends and learn more about your own passions and strengths. In our class, we work together to help every student learn to his/her full potential. Creativity, experimentation, and mistakes are part of the process; so are careful thought, positive effort, and practice. I'm here to help you develop your Spanish skills and grow as a person, so be sure to ask questions and share your ideas. I look forward to getting to know you and supporting you this year!Classes this year: Spanish One and Spanish Three; periods 2,3,4,5Contact me by email: mfriedenson@everettsd.org
Fun Links = Enlaces Divertidos
- 30 Day Challenge: 30 Creative Ideas for Spanish in Summer
- Videos, Music, Ads, Memes, All Kinds of Fun Spanish; "Zambombazo"
- "Brain Pops" in Spanish
- Cooking - Recetas Cubanas
- Cooking - De Mi Rancho a Tu Cocina
- Videos, Reading, Music, Culture (Spanish 4) ~ProfeDeEle
- Cuentos - Read crazy stories written by students or submit your own story at "Revista Literal"
- Dreaming Spanish
- Spring Craft Projects - Manualidades
- GoogleEarth - Explore the world from home!
- Duolingo (also an app); work on Spanish & try another language!
- Videos: Easy Languages (interviews with subtitles; many languages!)
- Sr. Wooly Songs/Videos
- FC Barcelona
- Bob Esponja no quiere salir de la casa nunca - video corto chistoso!
- CHISTES con el Sr Jordan
- "Mi Vida Loca" video series
- CHISTES para ja ja jueves o cualquier dia
- 1000s of Links for Spanish
- Music Bracket "Locura de Marzo"
There are no upcoming events to display.