- Henry M. Jackson High School
- Welcome
The Career Center gives information and assistance with academic and career preparation
Meet with college/university, career/industry representatives, and US Armed Services: Air Force, Army, Army National Guard, Coast Guard, Marines, and Navy, including taking the ASVAB test (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery)
Search and apply for a college or university
Find career and study interests (majors, degrees, personal, etc) in Naviance
- Search and apply for scholarships and understand and apply for financial aid FAFSA to pay for college and career training (financial aid)
Learn about apprenticeships and trades (construction, manufacturing, electrician, etc)
Find an internship, volunteer, and employment opportunities
- Learn about other career-related areas (resumè, cover letters, interviewing, time management, etc.)
Submit Parent/School Work Authorization Forms after you are hired by an employer
- Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center students (11-12 graders only) schedule at JHS and at Sno-Isle location in Everett
High School & Beyond Family Night (and Career Fair): October 9, 2024 (5:30pm to 7:30pm)
College & Career Fair (in gym, 5:30-7pm): Many universities/colleges, apprenticeship organizations, and employers are visiting JHS.
Students and families visit college representatives (at Career and College Fair) and attend two breakout sessions that support your student's goals.
Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center: 2025-2026 Online Application Opens Nov. 7 at 4:00pm for exciting Sno-Isle Classes! Apply at Sno-Isle's Website.
- Sno-Isle's OPEN HOUSE: Nov. 7, 6-8pm--Visit classrooms, laboratories, a barn!!
- Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center Students
- Catch school district bus in front of JHS main building at 7:30am, go to Sno-Isle location in Everett for Periods 1-3, and return to JHS about 10:45am (Mon-Thur) or 9:50am (LIF Fridays) to attend lunch and Periods 4-6.
DON'T FORGET: THE BLACK COMMON APPLICATION - Apply up to 65 HBCUs for $20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Historical Black Colleges & Universities (HBCU) Tour: April 8-14, 2024 - Sponsored by NW Black Pioneers, students pay to visit a mix of up to 22 public/private/single-gender/coed HBCU schools (rural/urban). (JHS students are absent from school and responsible for class coursework.) Information, required meetings (in Seattle, need own transportation), and payments are at above links. HURRY TO REGISTER!!
Apprenticeship Career & Job Fair - TBA
Financial Aid Advising Day - TBA during PACK Time
ASVAB - Test Dates: Nov. 13, Feb. 12, April 16, June 3 (Registration in Career Center)
ASVAB = Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test, used as a graduation pathway with a passing score AND to prepare students for a possible career in the US armed services or military. ASVAB test results are available 1-2 weeks after the test. Your printed test result is in the Career Center; counselors and school staff receive scores. ASVAB registration is in the Career Center. (9 graders not allowed to take test.)
For assistance, please contact Deron Dahlke, Career Specialist, by email (ddahlke@everettsd.org) or phone (425.385.7028, leave message). The Career Center is available for students, families, staff, and the community.
- Individual appointments via Zoom or in-person, just email Mr. Dahlke.