• College or Universities, Armed Forces (military branches), and other event representatives visit JHS in-person and virtually during the school year. To join:

    • Log in to NAVIANCE, click “Colleges” and then click "College Visits" to see an updated event list and register. (You are required to make up missed coursework if you miss class...ask your teachers.)
      • In-person visits are in the Career Center; you will receive a Career Center Hall Pass.
      • Virtual meetings are in the Career Center, NOT during your classes. Check your school district email for virtual meeting link and information. 
      • (Schedule these visits in your phone & school calendars...don’t forget!) Questions? Contact Mr. Dahlke, ddahlke@everettsd.org

    Meeting a college is a great opportunity to learn and ask questions about majors (areas of study), future campus life, tuition and scholarships, and possible ways to actually visit the campus, if possible, before you decide to attend the school. Also, NAVIANCE is great to explore and complete High School & Beyond tasks required for graduation, which help you explore your study and career interests.