• Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students,

     Welcome back. I hope you and your child had a fabulous summer. I am looking forward to a positive and successful new school year with you.

    The supplies you will need are as follows:

    1. 3 Ring Binder & loose leaf paper or spiral notebook
    2. Pencils & erasers
    3. Graphing calculator, TI-84 recommended. A calculator will be useful for Algebra and is required for AP Statistics.

     Expect homework every day except Friday or if there is a test. Students should complete every homework assignment. I will update grades and send out the weekly schedule each Monday.  I strongly encourage you to keep a finger on your child’s progress by checking the online gradebook often.  Please have your son or daughter come in asap for help if any concept is difficult or if your student’s earned grade is slipping.

     I offer several supports to make my students learning experience successful.

    1. Notes, interactive activities and examples on all new subject matter.
    2. Online Canvas and websites for all material, assistance and documents.
    3. Tutoring available most days- before and after school or lunch by appointment.     

    It is important to me to keep close contact with my parents. Please feel free to leave me a message through e-mail at dfaber@everettsd.org.

    Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

    I am looking forward to a fantastic year! 

     Wishing you many more smiles than frowns,


    Deborah Faber