• Washington State History is a Non-Credit Graduation Requirement in the State of Washington.  All students who pass Washington State History (WSH) in middle school earn a “MET” status on their high school transcript.  This is an automatic process that takes place in our district when students enter high school.  There are several options available for students who have NOT MET this requirement.  


    Options to MEET the Washington State History Graduation Requirement: 

    • Did you take Washington State History (or History of another STATE or COUNTRY) during Middle School? If so, please contact your counselor or our JHS Registrar to let them know WHERE and WHEN. 

    • The Washington State History GRADUATION MET course is a FREE, short, online NO-CREDIT course in Canvas. Use the following join code to auto-enroll (this course will close on August 31): https://everettsd.instructure.com/enroll/B94T68, then click on "Enroll in Course" and then "Go to Course." The course will then be added to your JHS Canvas account. Students, please contact your counselor to let them know you've completed the course, or stop by JHS Room C202.

    • Summer Academy FEE-BASED Online High School Course for .5 Social Studies Elective Credit (Register online in the spring through the Everett Public Schools Summer Academy website

    Please contact your counselor if you believe you (your student) MET the Washington State History requirement.  Thank you!