- Henry M. Jackson High School
- Course Expectations
Class Philosophy:
The students in this class will participate in an academic environment that is designed to encourage conceptual thinking, complex problem solving, and the effective communication of ideas. The skills of reading, writing, thinking, and speaking and listening are essential for success in all aspects of life. To foster these skills the class is designed using a variety of instructional strategies which require the active involvement of all students and creates an atmosphere of inquiry and reflection.
Classroom Procedures and Policies:
Regular attendance and punctuality are essential. Late work will be accepted only in the event of an excused absence. Arrangements must be initiated by the student upon returning to class. A log of assignments will be available in the classroom at all times.
Students must come to class prepared with their binder, pen, pencil, and any assignment that is due.
Good citizenship ensures the best environment for learning. Therefore, students are expected to adhere to the following classroom rules:
1. Be seated in class and prepared when the bell rings.
2. Be prepared for and participate in classroom discussions.
3. Always show respect for fellow students, the instructor, the classroom, and any visitor.
Discipline is rarely a problem. Should it be, please realize that we will discuss the issue, and if there is still a problem, a parent conference will be required and appropriate action taken.