

    WHAT IT IS: Positive attitude and caring treatment of self, fellow students and teacher's space, work, thoughts and opinions.



      BE PROMPT: Be in your seat, be quiet and be starting to work on daily starter activity when class begins. Complete all assignments on time.

      BE PREPARED:Bring your notebook, paper, and something to write with every day. Know your due dates and turn in all work on time. Make sure to correct your paper in red pencil or ink.

      BE POLITE:Raise your hand if you want to speak or ask a question, and please wait quietly until you are called on. Treat others as you would like to be treated.

      BE PRODUCTIVE: (PARTICIPATE) Be considerate of other people's learning and work quietly while you are in the classroom. When you have been given an assignment or task in class, you must be working on it during class time.

      Class Participation: What, exactly, does class participation look like?

      J When you enter class, turn on the French part of your brain: greet your classmates in French, set your devoirs on your desk, read the mise en train on the screen, and begin working.
      J Raise your hand quietly, showing me that you are willing to try.
      J Give full eye contact to whoever is speaking.
      J Demonstrate good posture.
      J Sing along, play along, talk with your group in French during group activities.
      J Talk in French, practice conjugating your verbs in French, play a French game, when you have extra time.
      J Speak French from the time you enter our room until you leave our room!

    Strategies that will help the earnest language learner:
    J Listening: Listen actively, not passively. Give the task at hand your full attention.
    J Speaking: Raise your hand! Try! We all make mistakes and we have to make mistakes to learn! Pressure each other into speaking only French and practicing circumlocution!
    J Reading: Don't worry if you don't get every word, focus on understanding the main idea.
    J Writing: Focus. Let it flow. Trust in your knowledge of the French language. Then, go back and edit. Use the Freewriting method to help you get started.
    J When you don't understand something, think about how urgent it is and choose to:
    Take a guess, based on context and what you understand.
    Raise your hand and ask a question.
    Write a question for a neighbor to answer back in writing.
    Write it down to ask later.
    Ask a classmate (if during work time).
    Look in a dictionary.