• EHS Counseling Equity Statement 


    EHS Counseling Department Mission Statement 

    The mission of the Everett High School counseling department is to prepare each student to be college, career and life ready by implementing a data driven comprehensive school counseling program. 


    Because the EHS Mission Statement is that each student learns and grows and high levels, in the EHS Counseling Department: 


    Curriculum Selection (refining adopted materials and choosing supplemental materials) 

    • The Counseling Department will review and supplement all district chosen counseling curriculums to be inclusive of all the diverse situations at EHS. 

    • We believe that knowledge and delivery of the Comprehensive School Counseling program is necessary for the success of all students,and we commit to doing 3 lessons per grade level and to have the lessons be inclusive of the diverse cultures and needs of our students. 

    • We commit to providing small groups and making accommodation for our SWD and ML students when using the curriculum.  


    Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices 

    • We will continue to attend Professional development and do personal growth regarding social justice and culturally responsive practices.  

    • We will advocate for school wide practices that are inclusive to all students. 


    Data-Informed Decision Making 

    • We will individually and collectively review data relevant to our counseling program. 

    • We will access student generated data, in Naviance, to support students in secondary planning.  

    • We will use Data to advise students underrepresented in pathway and AP classes. 

    • We will use Data from the MTSS team to support interventions for our students. 

    • We will use Data from the Community Engagement meetings to support our students. 

    • We will use Data from the On Time Graduation (OTG) meetings to support our students. 


    Knowledge of Students 

    • We will use multiple sources of information to support the current and future needs of our students.  

    • We will hold individual registration meetings with students about their HSBP in correlation with their high school pathways and post-high school plans. 

    •  We will collaborate with colleagues to understand and support the varied situations of our students. 

    •  We will provide individual/group support to address student needs and interests. 



    • Communicate with students and families using multiple modalities 

    • Delivery of curriculum and information that best fits the needs of the individual student. 

    • Teach how to access Counseling department resources as part of our in-class lessons. 

    • Collaborate with Colleagues to host college, career readiness opportunities, and promote post-secondary success for all students. 

    • Promote events and opportunities to serve underrepresented student populations.  

    • Create a peaceful and welcoming environment  


    Parents and School Community 

    • We will include culturally competent practices in our meetings and registration events by including language support for families to encourage family voice in planning for their students' high school and post high school experiences. 

    • We will promote events regarding Financial Aid and Post High School options in different languages with interpreters.