• I can draw and write a personal narrative with two sentences.

    I can draw and write to tell about my kindergarten year.

    Activity 1: Personal Narrative

    Write a personal narrative. Draw your detailed picture and write two sentences to tell your story.

    You can watch Mrs. Fox’s lesson again as needed: 

    Mrs. Fox introduces the learning target

    Mrs. Fox tells a story



    Mrs. Fox's example


    Blank Paper

    Yellow Card Front     Yellow Card Back

    Activity 2: Memory Book

    This week and next, we will be working on our end of the year Memory Book. Please note that if you picked up your students belongings on May 26-27, there should be a printed copy of the memory book inside! If you were unable to pick up, then you may use the attachments below. This memory book is for you to keep, so do your very best!


    *Complete 1-2 pages per day, this week and next

    *Include detailed drawings with labels, dialogue, and lots of color. (Mrs. Fox has a general rule that we should always use the number of colors that matches our age. If you are 5 or 6, you should use at least 5 or 6 colors per picture!

    *Use your best kindergarten spelling - sound out and write your words the best you can.

    *Spell your sight words correctly by using the tools and resources you have at home (parent help, yellow card, flashcards, etc.)

    *Have fun! As you think back about your kindergarten year, try and remember all the great times we had in the classroom, as well as the fun times you have been having at home. 

    Memory Book: Cover

    Page 1: All About Me

    Page 2: Self Portrait

    Page 3: My School

    Page 4: A Whole Year Smarter

    Page 5: My Favorite Book

    Page 6: My Teacher

    Page 7: My Friends

    Page 8: Field Trip

    (This page is included in our books. We did not have the opportunity to go on our field trip this year. You can either skip the page, or take the time to write about a “field trip” your family went on. OR you can write about why we didn’t get to go on one this year. Your choice.

    Page 9: Recess

    Page 10: My Favorite Memory

    Page 11: My Favorite Memory (continued)

    Page 12: When I Grow Up