- Emerson Elementary School
- Week 12, June 1 - 5
Nanninga, Evelyn
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Library Time!
Dramatic Plan
Art Center
Block/Build Center
Theme: Library Time!
Create an imaginary play scene together. (This type of play supports their emotional and social development by looking through different perspectives, expressing character’s feelings, working together, and etc.)
Here are some tips to get started:
*Remember this is imaginary play. You can pretend that Mrs. Doud is your Librarian or you can be the librarian.
What types of things do you find in a library?
*Tables, books, and check
in/out table, etc.
Who is in the library? *kids, etc.
Where are the animal books located?
Will you need signs around the library to help students/ teachers find the books they are looking for?
There are many signs that you will need to create to help kids find the type of books they would like.
*soccer, football, princess,
Pete the Cat, Dr. Seuss
books, etc.
Use paper, color paper, the inside of boxes, markers, paint to create those signs.
Organize your books by categories (animals, sports, etc.)
Build the check in/out table and build a computer so you
can check out books.
*You can use a table, empty boxes/wood blocks/ legos,etc.
What other things will you need to build a library?
*Tables to sit at to read or
Color at, and a comfy
reading center, etc.