• fin aid graphic
    Financial Aid Information & Filing Events
    Students will need to fill out one or the other of these applications in order to receive grants, loans, or work study for college tuition. 
    The FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
    The WASFA is the Washington Application for State Financial Aid for undocumented students.
    What is needed to file? 
    You will need your Social Security Number/Alien Registration Card, household financials (W2 or last pay stub or last year's tax return), parent's Social Security Number if they have one, and any additional financial information (child support, TANF or welfare information, investment information).
    Contact EHS Counseling or Career Center for more details. 
    To begin your free application, visit quicklinks.
    Types of Financial Aid- see quicklinks
    Grants are a form of financial aid that doesn’t have to be repaid. Many are awarded based on Financial Need as a state or federal grant.
    Scholarships are usually from nonprofit or private organizations usually based on academic merit, talent, background or a particular area of study. 
    Work-Study is a federal program that allows students to earn money to pay for college by working part-time. 
    Loans are money that you borrow that accrue interest.