- Everett High School
- PSAT School Day
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EHS 2023-24 PSAT School Day Info
Who is taking the PSAT at EHS?
All 10th graders are automatically registered for free! The PSAT/NMSQT is voluntary and students are not required to test.
Any 11th graders who want to (re)take the PSAT for NMSQT consideration must pay $25 to the EHS Treasurer by September 30th.
What type of test is the PSAT?
The Preliminary SAT (PSAT) / National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT) is a practice version of the SAT. If a student scores high enough, they may qualify to receive a National Merit Scholarship.
Total testing time is about three hours, and there are four timed sections with breaks between: Reading, Writing/Language, and Math (with and without calculator).
When is the PSAT at EHS?
TBD September 2022 - tentatively Wednesday, 10/11/2023 from 7:30 to 11:00 AM during a 3.5-hour late start.
Note the PSAT is a timed section test and students cannot leave early! Once the test begins, all students must remain in their testing room until the last section is completed.
No make-up PSAT will be offered at EHS; if a student is absent on test day, they may participate in the fall 2024 PSAT as an 11th grader.
Why should I take the PSAT?
Students who plan to take the SAT as 11th or 12th graders should participate in the PSAT/NMSQT.
WA public universities no longer require SAT scores for admissions, but qualifying SAT scores may be used to meet Everett Public Schools graduation requirements and/or recover 1.0 credit of high school English and/or math.
PSAT Practice Resources
- Study tips from CollegeBoard: https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/psat-nmsqt/preparing/studying-practicing
- Study questions and practice tests from Khan Academy: https://www.khanacademy.org/sat
- Khan Academy Parents’ Guide: https://www.khanacademy.org/khan-for-educators/resources/parents-mentors-1/helping-your-child/a/parents-guide-to-official-sat-practice
- CollegeBoard PSAT/NMSQT printable practice tests: https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/psat-nmsqt/preparing/practice-tests/paper
- CollegeBoard Student Search Service: https://studentsearch.collegeboard.org/
- Share your interests to be matched with colleges
- Research scholarship and financial aid opportunities, including for NMSQT

Please direct questions about the PSAT as follows:
- Registration, 504 plan accommodations, accessing scores - make an appointment with your counselor!
- IEPs and testing accommodations - contact your student's IEP case manager.
- Multilingual Learner testing accommodations - ML Success Coordinators Shawn Keagle or Gabriella Sleeman