Everett High School WIDA & ML Testing Information


  • What is the WIDA?

    Beginning in the 2021-22 school year, the World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) consortium replaced the English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century (ELPA21) as the assessment used to in Washington State to determine student eligibility for English Learner services. The WIDA Consortium includes three assessments: the initial WIDA Screener and the WIDA ACCESS or Alternate ACCESS reassessment, with the latter for students receiving both EL and Special Services. 

    Who is taking the WIDA?

    When a student first enrolls in Everett Public Schools, parents/guardians complete a Home Language Survey and indicate which language(s) spoken in the home as well as the child's first language. If the answer to either question is a non-English language, the student takes the WIDA Screener, a brief assessment that determines a student's skill in listening, speaking, reading, and writing English. If the student scores at an overall level of 4 or below, the student qualifies for support through the English Learner (EL) program. If the student scores at an overall level of 4.5+, the student does not qualify for EL program support.
    WIDA ACCESS or Alternate ACCESS is used to annually reassess EL students each spring; the Alternate ACCESS is for students receiving EL and Special Services who have significant cognitive disabilities. WIDA ACCESS scores determine whether a student will continue to qualify for EL program support the following year. Washington State sets the scores at which a student may exit the EL program, but student progress is still monitored for the next two years and support is provided as needed.

    When is the WIDA testing window?

    The 2023 testing window is open from January 29th to March 22nd, 2024. Students in the Multillingual Learner (ML) program will be notified by their English teacher and ML Success Coordinators when they are assigned to participate in WIDA testing.

    Why do my students need to take the WIDA?

    Students must take the WIDA Screener once with 10-30 days of district enrollment to determine if they are eligible to receive English Learner program support at Everett High School, and the WIDA Access or Alternate Access is taken annually each spring to reassess a student's need for EL support. The results of the WIDA help counselors, ML and Special Services department staff deliver appropriate support to students, as well as monitor student progress. 

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